Pet Surgical Procedures

From routine to advanced surgical procedures, our practice offers safe and effective options using state-of-the-art equipment and best practices.

At Keller Animal Clinic, we understand that you are probably nervous about submitting your pet to any type of surgical procedure.

Our compassionate and caring professionals monitor your pet before, during, and after surgery and take exceptional care to ensure your pet's safety and complete recovery.

Related Services

State-of-the-art surgical procedures that are safe and effective.


We take anesthesia cases very seriously and utilize a safe, multi-modal approach for each animal we treat. We use a combination of pre-op assessments, modern anesthetic agents, and the latest anesthetic monitoring equipment to keep your pet safe and the risks of surgery low. Our recovering pet patients have fewer side effects, complete pain relief, and faster postoperative recovery.

Spay & Neuter

Spaying or neutering your pet is an important decision for pet owners. Removal of the male or female reproductive organs prevents unwanted pregnancies and reproductive cancers from threatening your pet's life. We offer spay and neuter surgery as part of your pet's preventative wellness care.

Dental Surgery

Family pets need regular dental checkups to ensure good oral health. But even with good oral hygiene and regular cleanings, your pet may require a dental extraction as they age. If your pet needs dental surgery or dental cleaning, we administer anesthesia to allow for comprehensive access to the teeth, gums, and oral tissues. Anesthesia makes it possible to perform dental procedures with less stress and pain for your pet.

Due to nearby road construction, please allow an extra 10-15 minutes to park for your appointment(s) with our team! Thank you.